The last future sites down to speak with Italys RCKSTR, ahead of his new EP we thought it was a good time to find out more.
What was the first thing that attracted you to the world of electronic music?
I always been a music lover looking to new sounds and electronic music but what was triggered me to start making music was an Italia electronic music duo, Cyberpunkers.
Do you remember any album or concert that has changed everything?
Alive 2007 / Daft Punk! No more words!
Since you got into this professionally, what helped you the most to grow as an artist?
What Helped me a lot working in audio and music industry not just as an “Artist” and working with other artists and not just for me and my project.
How is the music scene in your city?
In Milan… Freaky!
There is a lot of things and parties but honestly I don’t see a real underground and clubbing culture, there is little cities around Italy where the music scene is more powerful.
Milan is a great landing place and there is s lot of possibilities anyway.
What are your favorite places to hang out in the city?
I really enjoy Masada, which is a cultural association who open the doors also to the electronic music scene and to the clubbing.
Have you had time to focus on making music, spending time with your family, or planning future projects during this past year(s) of lockdowns?
I just follow what life tried to tell me, I take some time for me and my family.
What do you want to convey in this work? What is the concept behind it?
My last work is a remix of the track Lux by Dario Rossi.
Dario is a great artist and also a friend, when he released his single Lux, before releasing his 1959 album, I heard the track Lux and immediately wrote to Dario, saying my congratulations and how I love the track, then I decided to propose to Dario a remix because she inspired me a lot, a kind of tribute to an artist that I love and also a great friend. Dario was happy about and he permitted me to work on Lux, sending me just the vocal sample, then I worked on the idea, till this banging version come up!
As for your studio, what is your setup currently made of?
My studio is essential and is composed of: MacBook Pro, as DAW I use Ableton Live, using Ableton to record my synths and instruments through my audio interface. I got a selection of plug-ins and VST, that help me mix and finalize my music.
To create and sketch my ideas and music I use an old Korg Electribe EMX-1,
a Korg Volca Bass, Behringer TD-3, Teenage engineering OP-1, Akai MPC One, Akai S5000, and Akai S900.
I also implement guitar and an artisanal electrified instrument with some strings, using it with a violin bow and/or hitting his transductive chassis to generate noises and unconventional sounds.
What's the one bit of kit you'll never get rid of, no matter what?
I love all my gears but maybe… My Korg Electribe EMX-1 is the magic box that I can’t renounce.
What would you say is the definition of your sound?
Mutable! My actual sound has a Techno skeleton, with a massive Acid and hypnotic influences with: raw, deep
What was the last record store you visited and what did you get out there?
I think...Serendipity in Milan, just got some tunes and sounds, don't remember what...
Artist Social Links:
RCKSTR Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rckstrmusic
RCKSTR Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rckstr_music/?hl=it
RCKSTR Resident Advisor: https://ra.co/dj/rckstr
RCKSTR Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2jMuOKEWLmLrKvdbh5Ea2j?si=dUSsQNmeTV-ZvTPEaXuBRg
RCKSTR Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rckstrofficial/dario-rossi-lux-rckstr-remix/s-eXFU8rLJzAg
Label Social Links:
Dario Rossi Facebook: https://it-it.facebook.com/dariorossiofficial
Dario Rossi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dariorossiofficial/?hl=it
Sales / Pre-sales Link: https://artists.landr.com/RCKSTR