
BAT has an honest and sincere career. Hers musical selection and hers good judgment have crossed borders. The DJ sets of this singular artist are a powerful statement, emblematic of her unfettered approach to hers.

TYLER TAFELSKY begins his independent work. This uniquely inspired musician, who has made a name for himself through a handful of tasty songs. His music is unclassifiable, but it has no rival. Close your eyes and let the sensations flow.

Black Cadmium intends to put energetic and meaningful music back on the agenda. Made up of two music lover brothers, the duo have been incubating their love of rave since the 90s. We have the opportunity to present an exclusive mix, so hit play, listen and dance!

BAT has an honest and sincere career. Hers musical selection and hers good judgment have crossed borders. The DJ sets of this singular artist are a powerful statement, emblematic of her unfettered approach to hers.