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INTERVIEW: Persona RS & Bojarchük

'Too Much to Match' is a unique compilation published on Playground Records, perhaps unrepeatable, made up of singles from different producers from diverse geographical and aesthetic origins. 7 original songs that make up a musical archipelago, a group of islands united by the same thing that separates them.

We have had the pleasure of interviewing two of its members from the compilation: Persona RS & Bojarchük, and this has been the result.

Hi guys, It’s a pleasure to have you on board. We’re in the middle of the first normal summer in while, How are you doing? D: I’m doing alright, spending my well deserved vacation in Greece, having a rest from production. P: I recently spent a good summertime in Berlin, but I just moved back to the Chilean winter after living a year in Spain.

When was the first time you meet and how did you end up making music together? D: We met through love for each others music on a different release. I sent a few unpolished tracks and Sebastian had ideas on how to improve them. Simple as that. P: We haven't met in person yet! We were together in this VA for Mexican label Bonkers then we started to talk about collaborating in some way, so we ended up doing like seven tracks together? We were close to meet a few times but lately it has been pretty moved and we didn't got to match. but hopefully soon! What can you tell us about this new track ‘Bitterness? and about the whole compilation? D: Bitterness was recorded with a bunch of analog synths and sounds and a vocal of my girlfriend reading lines of J. Mekas, one of my favorite avant-garde filmmakers. P: Bitterness is one of our favs, not a peak timer but a good inductor. Weirdy house with organic taste and some hypnotic sorcery. Domas came up with the vocals that definitely lifted up the track. This compilation is mind-blowing! we were making this joke; big names and.. us.

Why ‘Bitterness? D: It sounds bitter to me. The words are “And I sit here alone and far from you and it’s night and I’m reflecting on everything all around me and I am thinking of you. I saw it in your eyes, in your love, you too are swinging towards the depths of your own being in longer and longer circles. I saw happiness and pain in your eyes and reflections of the paradises lost and regained and lost again, that terrible loneliness and happiness, yes, and I reflect upon this and I think about you.“ P: More Bitter than Acid though. And how about Playground? What can you tell us about the label and its way of working? D: Playground proved itself with a bunch of great releases and parties around Europe, what more needs to be said?

P: The guys are a blast, they have always been around since I was playing with Roman & Castro project, but man, I think the label keeps getting better and better with every release.

Let’s get nerdy. What hardware and software have you worked with? When you produce... what is your work criteria? D: I used Volcas and Moog dfam to produce some weird percussions, I recorded my bass guitar and mixed in some synths like Minibrute 2s. My work criteria is the weirder the better, as long as it sounds good. I just jam around like most of us do. P: We do Ableton, we started to share only audio stems which worked great. Domas is a magician doing synth layering, dropping mad leads.. a great inspiration about getting loose and let go doing music. I was more in charge of the rhythm section and editing. But most of all we had real fun, it's been a fresh creative stream despite the distance.

Well, before saying goodbye, we would like you to tell us what things you have prepared for the near future?

D: We have an EP with Sebastian that should land in the near future, we would love to make a live performance as well. P: I'm afraid that Domas will have to bring some of that Lituanian magic to Chile next summer. and Mhh i think we should make a very weird album, what do you say partner?


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