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What was the first thing that attracted you to the world of electronic music?

I think I was fascinated by the versatility. You can express so many different things with electronic music, it can suit so many different occasions. And you need new approaches than the ones we use for conventional music. And I'm a bit tired of the old ones.

Do you remember any album or concert that has changed everything?

There was a concert by Cosmo Sheldrake that opened my eyes to music production. He does field recordings and sound walks and designs his very own samples out of the stuff he recorded. This is so electronic and designed and yet so natural. Cosmo Sheldrake sees music everywhere in his acoustic environment. I love this concept.

Since you got into this professionally, what did you miss the most nationally, internationally and on the contrary, what helped you the most to grow, even to believe in yourself?

I've been incredibly lucky because I have friends and artists who believed in me and my music from the start. That may sound very cheesy, but I also really realized that I just have to be myself. Then you are stronger and, logically, more authentic. When it comes to self-doubt and confidence, my advice is to have a lot of faith in yourself and give creativity the space and time/time off it needs, even if deadlines are getting closer.

How is the music scene living in your city with this murky pandemic situation?

Like everywhere the situation is also difficult here in Munich, most of the events can't take place, many talk about a “dying” scene. But I feel like people also got connected and creative. As a producer, I connected with other producers from the region, and cool things came about. On the part of the organizers there were creative solutions, for example live stream concerts in record shops, which I really enjoyed.

What are your favorite places to hang out in the city?

There are quite a few! Because I like nature very much, preferably close to the Isar. Next to that I also like to be in the university district in Schwabing, there are also most of my favorite pubs. Actually, my favorite places are everywhere where we can sit down with guitars and make music. I'm looking forward to that next summer!

Have you had time to focus on making music, spending time with your family, or planning future projects?

For me it's all about the music lately, and my loved ones support me wherever they can. I had a lot of deadlines for my upcoming Eps so I spent a lot of time in the studio. Right now it's more of a planning phase for the upcoming releases, hopefully I'll have more time for new music soon!

How was your last project born?

My track „Vigour“ has just been released on Lobster Theremin.Funnily enough, the order was reversed from the release order. First I finished Vigour, after that I created Take Me Higher as a kind of answer to Vigour, a counterpart. Thanks to Julian Muller, Jimmy from Lobster Theremin received the tracks and that's how our collaboration started.

What do you want to convey in this work? What is the concept behind?

Hidden behind both tracks for this EP is the same theme: Fatigue. Being tired of everything, and two different ways of dealing with it. For this EP I wanted to create a vibe and mood that is really hard and soft at the same time. And then there are of course the two absolutely great remixes in which Julian and Trudge show my approaches in a whole new light. The whole EP will be released in march.

As for your studio, what is your setup currently made of?

I use Ableton and Adam studio monitors I couldn't be happier with. I record my vocals and saxophone with several microphones. For synths I use a large midi keyboard from Arturia (also love their plug-in sounds). My acoustic guitar has two different pickup systems, a normal one and one on the body guitar for the percussion sounds. In addition I have a loopstation (Boss RC-505) that I use for live gigs with guitar and voice.

What's the one team you'll never get rid of, no matter what?

There are quite a few, next to the labels I'm working with at the moment, I'm very happy to have found a great agency in Raise with Jakob and Nicco. And then, of course, I think of Julian Muller, who not only made all upcoming EP releases possible for me, also on his own label, but also always stands by my side with advice and action. You won't get rid of me anytime soon :)

What would you say is the definition of your sound?

I feel like I'm constantly trying to free myself from any self-imposed limits and boxes.I try to mix techno and trance with many other genres and add my own vocals and instruments. For me, my music is also very rich in contrast, it can get very soft and emotional, but also nasty and hard. When it comes to describing my sound I guess most people would emphasze the vocals I record. I love to express myself with my voice and to use it for my tracks.

What was the last record store you visited and what did you get out there?

Because of the current situation it was online, but I'm very proud of my newest darling: K Wave Ep by Pavel K. Novalis.

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